Your fundraising highlights 2023!

An Arctic challenge

Will Harris tells us why he took on the Arctic Polar Bear Challenge – running not just one marathon, but a second half marathon the very next day, in Kangerlussuag, Greenland. Will ran in support of his mother, following her treatment for breast cancer at UCLH.

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“Throughout the process, my mum has been a solid rock maintaining her positive, helpful, and kind demeanour, supported and helped hugely by the UCLH Cancer Centre. On numerous occasions, mum has stressed the fantastic support, skill, professionalism, and dedication shown by the consultants, nurses and staff in the many different wards and departments where she has been treated.”

Visit Will’s JustGiving at

Alongside the marathon, often referred to as the “coolest marathon on Earth”, Will has completed the 3 Peaks challenge, self-driven with his friend Louis, in under 21 hours, and had his hair shaved by pupils at the school where he previously taught to raise money for the Cancer Fund.


Snowdon at Night 2023

This October four brave Cancer Fund fundraisers laced up their boots and took on an incredible challenge – climbing Mount Snowdon at night. Paul, who was treated at Westmoreland Street for prostate cancer, tells us some more about why he took part:

“My dad lived with prostate cancer for 7 years until he passed in 2006. I knew I was high risk, so had regular examinations. I displayed no obvious symptoms when I had a PSA test in May 2022, but a few days later my doctor asked to see me. The test result was elevated, and he put me on the pathway to UCLH.”

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“[After diagnosis] I knew the fight for survival was on. I met two consultants who suggested surgery - radical prostatectomy. I agreed without hesitation and had the surgery in August 2022. During this process, I met an extraordinary and most expert team of nurses, doctors and consultants. They cared for me, supported me, and saved my life."

"I view a night trek up Snowdon as a metaphor for the journey I have been on, with reaching the summit as the first rays of the new rising sun shine on us as celebrating and embracing survival and life to its fullest extent.”

Paul walked with his daughter Hannah, and sister-in-law Helen. They said “Snow was thick and fast at the summit, combined with wind so strong the summit was reached and then quickly stepped down from! The stars were beautiful when the snow stopped. Thank you so much to all who have supported this journey”.


Our thanks to all our fantastic fundraisers, from left to right:

Giulia Impelluso, general manager for oncology, who smashed the Royal Parks Half Marathon.

Will Wilson, cycling, rowing and walking a cumulative distance of 9845km (the distance from his house in Rwanda to UCLH) over the next 9 months, to mark the months of treatment his ‘awesome’ wife Anna received at UCLH. Will started on October 31st, to mark the last day of breast cancer awareness month.

Helen, Lauren and Emily Sim and George Legg (with motivational support from the dog) who each did a whopping 700 Skips every day in June, in support of their relative Will.

Katrina Betteridge who cycled the RideLondon 2023, raising money to purchase essential rehab kit for the children’s ward at UCLH.

All the members of East Finchley Constitutional Club who took part in their second Charity Race Night, in support of EFCC member Dave.


Charlene Knight and colleagues from Sopher & Co LLP, raising money in support of their colleague Jamie.

Nicola Amedelle, UCLH oncology, who ran the ASICS London 10k this July.


If you’ve been inspired, why not get in touch about one of our upcoming events?